There were doors all round the hall, but they were all locked; and “If you have Knowledge let others lit their candle in it” -Margaret Fuller
In Ai council we are working together to give you the latest technology update .The blogs are not just a html page designed for give some update it is the cognisance of writer which is penned in the best possible way to share the knowledge (lit the candle).Our blogs are designed in a manner to connect reader with the thoughts of author for original content sharing. We believe putting the efforts in fulfilling reader’s knowledge thirst rather than attracting customer through marketing gimmick. The team of Ai council is highly expertise in their respective fields the writers have experience in industrial services and projects as well as mentored thousands of students teachers and corporate employee to have the best knowledge in the latest technologies. We have shared our knowledge with technology enthusiast in conventional manner now with the we are transforming our way of sharing so that we can provide the best knowledge on a single click. Our team consists of member from interdisciplinary background which gives us a multi-perspective approach to solve a complex solution in a simple way. These days people are focusing on multiple disciplines but due to hectic schedule and a vast content it is difficult for someone to manage the time and carry on multi disciplinary learning our blogs are designed in a manner to give you more knowledge on the subject in very few words.